Will you give monthly to MAM?

MAM MVPs support our mission with monthly gifts.

By giving monthly, your gift becomes a long-term investment allowing us to work together to impact our youth. Your monthly gift does more than allow our ministry to be sustainable. Your gift allows MAM coaches to help youth find their identity in Christ and their purpose in the community.

$25/mo provides one hour of weekly Bible Study
$50/mo provides two hours of afterschool enrichment
$75/mo provides one student the opportunity to play on a MAM sports team
$100/mo provides one month of mentoring from a part-time MAM coach

MAM MVP Benefits:
Make an impact!
Receive a MAM t-shirt
Receive an exclusive email update every month
Access to exclusive events

Join a team of individuals who are making an impact in the lives of our youth and ultimately in the city of Memphis - become a MAM MVP today!